What are the most common problems with claims that are submitted?
Participants should be aware of the most common claims problems that delay or prevent FSA reimbursements:
- No Date of Service – We are often given the date of payment or the statement date, but we must have the date of service.
- Invalid Documentation – A canceled check or credit/debit card payment receipt does not properly validate a claim. A provider statement or an EOB from the insurance company must be submitted.
- Illegible documentation – Make sure the documentation you upload with your claim is clear and doesn’t cut off any important data, like provider, date of service, type of service, or expense amount.
- Ineligible Dates of Service – Remember that the date the expense was incurred must be while you were a plan participant, and in a current plan year.
Quick reimbursement is our goal at ProBenefits, but we must adhere to all requirements to keep your plan legally compliant and audit-ready. These few simple mistakes cause most of the delays.
Please give your claims a “4-Point Inspection” before submission. Thanks!